I haven’t been to Lagoon in years, so I was very excited when Logan and Lisa invited us to go with them! Although going to an amusement park can be difficult with a baby, it ended up working out great with Ella, we would take turns watching her while the others rode the ride. Near the end it got even better when we found out that Lagoon has a system called Baby Swap where one person can ride the ride and the other can wait by the operating station and when the other one is back from their ride they can hop on the next ride! Too bad we didn’t find that out sooner. It was so fun and Ella was so cute to have with us! I am still shocked that nothing scares her! Logan and Lisa rode with her on the log ride and she handled it like a pro! Even the scary monsters that would walk around didn’t scare her! The evening ended with a trip to Maddox, the entire Kinghorn family I am finding has an obsession with the restaurant, which is convenient since it is in my hometown! Our waitress seemed to be pretty um…overwhelmed and neglected us for awhile but it ended up being a good thing when we were able to work it to our advantage and get 3 boxes of their yummy rolls to go!:) Thanks for letting us tag along, Jake and I both had a great time!
I love watching Jake with Ella! He is so great with kids and I know he will make a great dad one day! That day being very far in the future!
Ella is only a year and half and handled the log ride like a pro! I think she was more curious about it than anything.
I am sure Jake and Logan were getting tired of Lisa and I taking pictures all day but when you get a great picture like this it makes it all worth it!:)
I loved being able to spend the day with my best friend and I love that he is as big of a goof as I am...maybe even more!:)
Thanks Logan and Lisa for inviting us and for such a great day!